The most we know about Mugetsu’s relationships are, that before it was in Ame-Warashi’s hands, and then it was handed as payment to Yuuko. While it has a normal relationship with the witch, there is not much to say about it, Mugetsu does like Yuuko, but the one it loves, is and always will be Watanuki.
The relationship
with the boy is somehow interesting and funny on some occasions, especially
at the beginning, when we see how the small fox gets attached to him. Some say
it’s because he attracks evil spirits, so the fox follows him, just because.
I on the other hand think, that Mugetsu genuinely loves him. Like love at first
sight. It loves to be around him, and caress him and show him it’s love. It’s
protective when Watanuki is in danger. And even if the boy has his classical
anger issues at the beginning around Mugetsu, because, sneaking in his clothes
to go to school with him, it’s a little exaggerating. I think there is mutual
love. It’s Mugetsu who goes with Watanuki on the rescue mission to save Zashiki-Watashi
from the nets of Jorougumo (the spider-woman-deamon). And later, it’s also shown
how much the fox loves the black haired boy, when it begin sulking, wanting
to be named, and Yuuko comments on the fact, that is normal that we want to
be named by the person one loves the most.